Saturday, March 7, 2015

Quintana Roo Program

To  achieve  our  aid  we  organized   our  workframe  in  a  program,  we  named  to  this  program,   the  Qintana Roo  Program.  In  this  work frame,  question  us :  What  is  the  gravity? Does  Exist it  or  is  only  a manifestation  of  hyperspace?  Does  exist  its  simmetric counterpart ; the  antigravity ?  What  happen  to  a  body  in  no-gravity  state?

      In  this  work frame,  Theoric  Science  attack  this  theoretical  part***   for  three  fronts;  this  is  through  Classical  Mechanic Antigravity (Giroscopic Antigravity ),  Quantum  Antigravity  and  The  Gravitational-Quantum  Antigravity Physics.  Is  say  we  have  three  type  of  antigravity : Giroscopic Antigravity or  Pseudo-antigravity,  The  Quantum  Antigravity and  The  Gravity-Quantum  Antigravity.

 Mechanic Antigravity (Giroscopic Antigravity )

The  precesion  effect  is  a  complicated  motion  that  include  the  3  coordinate  axes  because  this  was  very  recent  that  its  physic  was  undertood.   Inner  of the  frame  of  Quintana-Roo  program,  the  Mechanic  Antigravity   or  Gyroscopic   Antigravity  or  Pseudo-Antigravity ,  as  called  it,   we  want  between  other  questions  :  Does  exist more  classical  precession  symmetries,  even  not  discovery  and  possibility  the  antigravity?  How  to  discovery  it?

***Gravity  Work  attack  its  experimntal  part.

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