Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Proyect to Future : Advanced Study Centers

This  is  our  dreams,  with  it  dream  the  science people,  our  proyect  to  next  years,  The  sites  is  in  estrategic  locations  around  the  world  for  the  interchange  more  fluid   od  ideas  with  minds  of  science  world. The  finnancing  respond  to  proper  invertion  and  partnerships.

The "Élie  Cartan" Center For Topology Advanced Studies 

"Sophus Lie" for Advanced Algebra Theoretical Studies Center

Nikolái Lobachevski Center for Theoretical Studies in Advanced Geometry 

The Henry Poincare Center For Theoretical Studies of Simmetries

The Hilbert Center for Advanced Theoretical Studies 

The  Camberra Center for Space Leap Advance Studies

The Hawaiian Institute for Theoretical Studies in Stellar Travell

The Varsaw Institute For Avanced Theoretical Research in Inter-stellar Leap 

Delaware Research Center For The Theoretical Study on Teragaussian Magnetic Field For Interstellar Propulsion

Frank Whittle's Institute for Turbomachinery Theorical Studies

Wright Brother's Aerodynamical Advanced Studies Intitute 

Buckminster Fuller Institute for Theoretical Study of aeronatical Mega-Structures 

Rostislav Alexeyev Research Institute for Theoretical Studies of Ground Effect 

Melbourne Institute for Plasma-Physic Theoric Study

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